Saturday, June 22, 2013

Stunt is now C++

Over at, Todd Sundsted has released the C++ version of Stunt, his fork of the LambdaMOO server.

Much of my Waverous LambdaMOO went into it, even if not directly: Todd had done so much work on the multiple-inheritance addition to the MOO scripting language that my branch was too far out of sync with the mainline to be merged... but Todd used my branch as a guide.

See the announcment on the MOO-talk mailing list!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Long hot summer

I have nothing new regarding the project. I've been super busy running LVDev, participating in the National Day of Civic Hacking (I won the category "Best Civic Hack"), and organizing the first Las Vegas GiveCamp.

Lately I've been longing to plunge into more open source work though!